Welcome to Cork’s Father’s Day newsletter. There is a ton of stuff going on here at Cork’s in the next couple of weeks. We have a Widmer/Redhook Tasting tonight. A geyser Peak/Sushi Tasting on Friday night. There are 3 concerts at Great Woods this week, with Buffet in for 2 shows next week. We have multiple tastings wrapped around both of those shows as well. We’ve got the Sox on a roll in inter-league action…the US Open at Bethpage and don’t forget the great local charity event (cvscharityclassic.com) down in RI put on by Billy Andrade and Brad Faxon. This is a great event, with world class golfers, and tickets are basically free if you go to CVS and buy batteries or shampoo. But you got to be quiet at the event as I am a Marshal and I’ll have to shush you if you’re boisterous.
Tonight’s (Thursday) beer tasting is from 4:30 to 7:30 and features some new beers from Widmer Brothers and Redhook. Redhook Slim Chance is a brand new low calorie-low carb- light beer out of Portsmouth, NH. Widmer Drop Top Amber Ale and Drifter Pale Ale were just released in MA from this excellent brewery out in Portland, OR. I’m sure they’ll mix in a couple of the “older” stuff from these 2 as well.
We have a special wine tasting lined up with Geyer Peak Winery out of California for this Friday. They have scheduled 1 of their fabulous supermodels from 4 to 7 PM and she’s bringing some sushi to pair with the wines. Geyser Peak Sauvignon Blanc is 1 of my favorite SB’s from CA and is the perfect, refreshing summer wine. She will also have the Chardonnay for you to sample as well. We will have free chopsticks with any purchase of Geyser Peak, and all who come to the tasting can throw their name in a hat for a Proctor Silex rice cooker. Since we are sourcing this tasting out those are the only wines she is scheduled to pour….I know what all you red drinkers are saying right now…what the heck...no reds? So we will gently persuade her to pour the Francis Coppola Merlot as well. Who knows maybe we can talk her into trying something else too.
As we all know our state and country are facing tough economic times. As a rule I try to stay out of all political and religious discussions, especially in these newsletters. But I do want to share a little info about the proposed 6.25 % tax on alcohol that I have been forwarded to by many of our distributors.
The 6.25% Sales Tax on Beverage Alcohol
Governor Deval Patrick is trying to convince the legislature to not only increase the existing sales tax from 5% to 6.25% but to apply it to many new sales categories. One of those proposed categories is Beverage Alcohol which is already heavily taxed on the state and federal levels in the form of an excise tax that is approximately 39% of the wholesale cost on a bottle of vodka. This tax is paid for by the wholesaler and passed on to us the retailer along with the wholesaler's mark-up, which we then mark-up to reach our retail price level. A sales tax at the point of purchase would then tax you the consumer for an item that has already been taxed and marked-up. It is a tax on a tax that w e are all to familiar with these days. Please help us stop this unnecessary, redundant taxation, e-mail your state representative and senator and tell them you do not support this initiative.
The link to contact your local politician is: www.mass.gov/legis/city_town.htm
Case of Beer $23.99 - Total tax = $10.39
Bottle of Wine $9.99 - Total tax = $3.55
Bottle of Vodka $19.99 - Total tax = $7.10
Now The State Wants You To Pay 20% More By Passing Into Law A New 6.25% A lcohol Tax
Call your Legislators TODAY
Massachusetts State House - 617-722-2000
OK…that’s out of the way back to the fun stuff. We do have a ton of great gift ideas for Dad’s Father’s Day present. From single malt scotches...to fine wines…to his favorite beer. Let’s hope this dreary weather breaks and that you all have a great weekend.
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