Welcome to Cork’s weekly newsletter. Let’s hope the Celtics can rebound and even up the series with the Lakers tonight. How can Ray Allen go from having 1 of the best games in the history of the finals, to 1 of the worst the very next game? All we need is 2 of the “Big 4” to step up and I think we’ll be all right. Good to see the Blackhawks win their 1st Cup in over 40 years…sorry George…not that I watched any of it after the B’s were eliminated. And here’s to the Sox winning each series as they creep up on the 1st place Rays.
OK…sports takes out of the way, let’s see what’s going on here at Cork’s. Tonight (Thursday) from 4:30 to 7 PM we have my cousin Vinnie here to sample you on some of his summer brews. He will have the Magic Hat Wacko, a crisp summer beer with a big malty aroma, a subdued hop bite, and a slightly sweet finish. Sierra Nevada’s Summerfest will be next and is a Pilsner style Lager beer, perfect for those warm summer days. Last (but you should probably taste 1st) we have the official beer of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Modelo Especial. This lighter style Mexican Beer is actually the 3rd biggest imported beer in the country. We also have a Weihenstephaner 3 pack gift set that comes with a World Cup glass and 3 Hefe Weiss biers.
I did have a wine tasting lined up with a new rep from Sun Wholesale for Friday night. But I haven’t heard from her in a few weeks, so I’m not sure what the lineup will be. If she doesn’t show I’ll mix up some new wines and summer favorites and do one myself. Either way there WILL be a wine tasting this Friday night from 4:30 to 7 PM. We do have 3 tastings lined up for next week’s return of Jimmy Buffet. Including a Landshark/Margaritaville tasting, and Clipper City beer tasting the day of the 1st show. We have those crazy holographic “Crooked Wines” golf themed wines for Friday the 18th… just in time for Father’s Day. I’m going to try to line up a beer/liquor tasting for the Saturday Buffet show as well. So there is tons of stuff going on in the next few weeks here at Cork’s, so be sure to stop on in. See you soon.
1 comment:
Thanks for the note, Robert. Since you did not watch, I can summarize: great Flyers team included hottest goalie in post-season and an even greater Game Six with the most pressure I've seen in an OT. Flyers have nothing to be ashamed of. Nice job, Blackhawks.
Good news: I did get to see the Phillies get shellacked at Fenway twice this weekend--once from the Monster Seats and again Saturday from behind home plate.
2010 World Series can be Sox vs. Phils if Phils get off the mat!
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