Welcome to Cork's 6th Annual Grand Wine Tasting newsletter! I have just put the finishing touches on the line-up and we have 87 wines and 4 liquor items to taste. There are a ton of new wines and if I do say so myself, this is one of the best collections of wines we've had in a while.
We have a couple of new suppliers to welcome to the mix and just 14 tables so there should be a little more elbow room. We have our friends from Preservation Framer here to display soe of their artwork and picture frames. They are local guys from North Attleboro and we will be supplying them wine at all their future art shows, so be sure to check them out. We have our new Pizza guys from Alberto's supplying us with pizza and we will have plenty of other snacks and munchies as well.
We won' t have a beer tasting this week as we had to bump my cousin Vinnie for the big wine tasting. Marc does have Sam Adams, Redhook and Quality summer beers lined up the next 3 Thursdays and we will try to run them every Thursday night right through the summer months. We are also featuring Sam Adams Summer Variety 12 Packs as our beer of the month. They are sale priced at $13.99 and you get a free Sam glass with every 12 pk purchase. We will be running the weekly sale from last week for another week. You can check out the sale items on our whiteboard as you come in the store. Throughout the store, look for our signs and displays. You can also find the list on our website (http://www.corksfinewine.com/) and our blog (http://www.corksfinewinenewsletter.blogspot.com/)
Well, we go the Bruins and Celtics opening up their playoff runs this week. I, for one, don't have a warm, fuzzy feeling of either of them going really deep, I'm afraid. And yes, I am the same yahoo who predicted all 4 local teams to win their titles this year. At least the Sox are off to a good start...grrr...well, it's still early and you have to think that they will turn this around. There's just too much talent on this team to be 2 and 9. At least we can't lose tonight with a rainout. Well, the April showers should clear in time for tomorrow's tasting, so get out your shorts and Easter best and head over to Cork's from 5 to 7:30 for our 6th Annual Grand Spring Wine Tasting!
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