Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A loss in the Cork's family...

Welcome to Cork’s weekly newsletter. Thanks to all of you who attended the 5th Annual Customer Appreciation Day event on Saturday. The weather was picture perfect…well, maybe a lil warm for Andrew grilling them burgers and dogs. I think there was a great mix of new wines, beers, and spirits to sample. The raffle went off pretty well and I think most everybody won something. This event is a lot of fun for us and is a small way for us to give back to you, our loyal Cork’s customers. We won’t be having any beer or wine tastings as we regroup and recover, but we will start lining them up on Thursday and Friday nights as we end the summer and head into the fall season.

On another note, for those don’t know, my 21 year old son Cody passed away last month. It’s been a very tough time for me and the rest of his family and friends. I very much appreciate the cards, prayers, well wishes, and donations that so many of you have made. Not only was Cody an amazing kid, he was also a Cork’s employee when I could wake him from the futon and bring him to work with me.

He was an aspiring artist and architect student and the gnarliest skateboarder you can find. He was such a generous kid always willing to give a dollar to the homeless or any charity that asked…even when he had just a few dollars in his pocket. He made one terrible decision 17 months ago to take drugs…1 night…1 high…and his life was ruined and came to an end way to soon. Hopefully some of his friends who saw him suffer in 3 hospitals and 3 rehab hospitals will learn a lesson and ask themselves…is it worth it? I don’t want to preach to the parents out there…but talk to your kids about drugs…stay on them…ask questions…check up their friends. I wish I could go back and change things…but I can’t…hopefully some of you can. He is missed terribly by those who knew and loved him. RIP Cody


This part is from Cody’s Aunt, Robert’s sister, Marianne, also a Cork’s employee (I do the website, post this blog and man the register on Saturday mornings).

Since Cody was a healthy 19 yr old boy, his parents never thought of taking out life insurance on him. So now, in addition to student loans and medical bills, his parents now have funeral costs to take care of as well. I created a web page over a year ago to track Cody’s progress for his family and friends ( ). I have put a link on there to make a donation if you feel you would like to help. Although the page may say the Cody Gouveia Memorial Fund (it’s not actually a charity at this time but may be if it doesn’t cost that much to set up), it will actually go to my PayPal account for my business (Horizon Enterprises, Inc.). I will transfer anything I receive to my brother.

We’re looking into some fundraising activities as well down the line and we’re open to suggestions if you have them. Robert’s thinking of having a high-end wine tasting sometime in the fall or winter as a fundraiser which will be catered – a combination of great wines and food.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give my brother.

Marianne Douglas

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