Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Super Brew Time - Celebrate the Patriots with Cork's Saturday from 2 to 5

Welcome to Cork’s Superbrew VII newsletter. We are just 2 days away from our biggest beer tasting of the year. Superbrew VII kicks off at 2 PM this Saturday, January 28th and lasts till 5 PM. As with all our tastings at Cork’s, be they small ones or big events, admission is FREE! Marc is putting the finishing touches on the lineup and it looks to be just about 85 beers. We also have a few liquor items, Margarita mixers, and of course Sailor Swagger Hot Sauces and Bloody Mary mix. We will have plenty of snacks to munch on and we’re trying a new pizza place, Piezone’s this time around. I’m sure there will be plenty of free stuff…pint glasses…key chains...bottle openers…coasters…maybe even a few hats and t-shirts. This is a great opportunity to try a ton of new beers and start loading up for the Super Bowl! Woohoo we’re going to the Super Bowl baby!!

We won’t have any tastings on Thursday or Friday as we gear up for the event on Saturday but I’m sure we’ll have a bottle of wine or 2 open as we set the tables up on Friday night. Rather than list our whiteboard specials as we’ve done in the past, I think I’ll talk a little bit about them in text this time. Let’s start with Mimosa Sparkling Chenin Blanc at $9.99 a 750 ML bottle. This comes in a bright orange bottle and is made with 100 % real orange juice, the wine Chenin Blanc, with a lil CO2 to make it sparkle. This is the perfect wine to kick off Super Bowl Sunday or any brunch for that matter. Next up is a delicious Chardonnay that we brought in mainly because it’s Megan’s last name. Foley Chardonnay is 100% steel fermented with zero Malolactic. In other words this is how Chardonnay is supposed to taste! It’s not cheap with a $24.99 every day price but a great value on sale for $19.99. Our last wine is a nice everyday Italian Pinot Grigio in the 1.5 L bottle. Bella Sera PG 1.5L will be sale priced at $12.99.

Our beer specials will start with Strela Cabo Verde imported from Portugal. We bought this a few months back from our Portuguese wine guy and I think we’ve sold just one 6-pk. So we will mark it down to $6.99 (just pennies above cost) and try to blow it out. But don’t like it too much because it’s never coming back! Next up is St. Pauli Girl 12-packs. We were going to have a buxom supermodel dress up in a St. Paulie Girl costume to sample this at our beer tasting, but I thought who would want that…so we nixed that idea and we’ll just have the 12-pks at the discount price of $11.99. We can’t forget you craft beer geeks, now can we? How about we put Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale…Raison D’Etra…60 Minute…and 90 Minute on sale for $9.99.

As far as liquor goes it’s pretty slim pickens over there as we get ready for inventory. But we do have a few gift sets leftover from the holidays so let’s put those on sale. How about Grand Marnier in a cool red gift tin with handle, 750 ML bottle for $34.99? Next up is The Glenlivet 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky gift set. It comes in a nice box that has 2 glasses and some kind of passport to Scotland inside, and we have it on sale for $44.99. Last but not least, we have the return of UV nips for 99 cents. You’ve asked Ursula, Queen of Nips, for some time to get them in… and finally they are back. We just have the Regular Vodka and Blue Raspberry flavors for this week but we will try and add more flavors and colors as they become available.

So I want to see all of you decked out in your Patriots gear this Saturday for the Super Brew VII Beer tasting. Whoever we deem the most “Patriotic” (this is totally subjective and I will take bribes) will win the black Budweiser Chiminea/wood burning bottle thingie that people have been ogling in the back of the store. We will also have a Patriots Cake to munch on thanks to our friend Tiffany from Tiffany’s Dynamite Confections

So be sure and stop by this Saturday for Cork’s Super Brew VII Beer Tasting…see you there!!


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