Thursday, January 28, 2010

Super Brew V...come join us!

Well the Pats aren't in it...and we've had some stuff going on here at Cork's...but what the heck let's go forward with Super Brew V !! The date is this Saturday January 30th from 2:30 to 5 PM.

This is 1 of our biggest beer tastings of the year and we have lots of new great beers for you to sample. The lineup is almost complete and here is a quick glimpse of what we will be pouring. Opa-Opa...Troegs...Smuttynose...Just Beer...Mayflower...Blue Hills...Harpoon...Otter Creek...Longtrail...Leinenkugel...Blue Moon...Smirnoff Ice...Ipswich...Southern Tier...Cisco...Sam Adams...Leffe...Stella Artois...Hoegaarden...Michelob...

We will have plenty of snacks including a combination of Pizza Tyme Pizza from Norton, and Pizza Time Frazolas from Foxboro. I'm sure there will be lots of pint glasses, t-shirts, hats, key rings, coasters and other crap to go with your beer purchases as well.

The Pro-Bowl doesn't start till 7:20 (yawn) so you have plenty of time to pre-game. This is a great chance to try some new beers talk to the distributors/salesmen (let's hope a few supermodels too), and load up for the Super Bowl parties next Sunday.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

First wine tastng of the decade!

Welcome to Cork’s weekly newsletter….grrrrrrr…so much for the Pats playoff run…that was just brutal to watch…let’s hope they make some good off-season moves, the youngsters mature, and we make a run next year. This may sound like sacrilege, but I’m pulling for the Jets to win it all. Well at least we still have Super Brew V to look forward too. The lineup is coming into focus and it should be a great show as always. Be sure to save the date…Saturday, January 30th from 2:30 to 5 PM !!

To whet your beer appetite we have the one and only Kat here tonight from 4:30 to 7 to pour the delicious beers from Wachusett Brewing Co. out of Westminster, MA. She will be featuring the 6 beers that come in their Box of Brews Mixed 12 pk. - Blueberry, Country Ale, Green Monstah Ale, Black Shack Porter, IPA, and Ryde Beer. As a special promotion we have all Wachusett 12-pks for only $13.99 tonight (Thursday) only. We will also take 10% off any Wachusett 6-packs as well. So stop by, try some great local beers, and pick up a 12-pk at this great price!

We have a special “Customer Wine Tasting” lined up for Friday night from 4:30 to 7 PM. Megan (the store owner for those who do not know) and her Partner in Crime (PIC) Ellen will be here to launch this year’s customer wine tastings. I don’t have a list of the wines they are going to feature…and I need to get this newsletter out….so knowing a bit about their tastes and preferences I am going to PIC 4 wines out for them, and they can add their personal favorites the night of the tasting. I know they both loved the Mionetto Organic Prosecco we tasted a couple months ago so let’s start with that 1. Next, I know Ellen likes Chardonnay so let’s go with Mer Soleil Silver Unoaked Chardonnay. This is from the Santa Lucia Highlands and I’ve heard great things about it, and have been dying to try it myself. Next up will be Roaring Meg Pinot Noir from Mt. Difficulty. This is a yummy New Zealand Pinot Noir and the name is just begging for a few 1 liners...but I like my job… so let’s move on to the next wine! Did anybody besides Mike and I watch the Winemakers on PBS? You know, the reality show…12 people…1 passion…well, the winner was announced and we will unveil it and sample the winning wine Friday night. I hear they will be whipping up a fabulous Organic Surf & Turf buffet for this big event so skip dinner and rush to the 1st Customer Wine tasting of this decade!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Anyone want to hold a tasting here?

Welcome to Cork’s weekly newsletter. I hope everybody had a great New Year’s holiday. Once again it was crazy here at Cork’s, even with the snowstorm that never ended. As we have done in past years, we will take 15 % off all Champagne, Cava, Prosecco, and any Sparkling Wine until 1-10-10. We do have a few bottles of the “Winter Classic” bubbly that will make great souvenirs from that awesome hockey game at Fenway on New Year’s Day. This is a great opportunity to stock up on “Sparklers” that are great food wines and not just for celebrations.

We don’t have any tastings lined up again for this week as it’s just a real slow time and most of you are partied out. But we will start up the beer tastings with our friends from Wachusett Brewery next Thursday from 4:30 to 7:00. We will have special 12-pk pricing of $13.99 for this event only! I will also see if they can come up with some ski passes to Wachusett Mountain to raffle off as well.

No wine tasting this week either but I’d like to do a “customer wine tasting” next Friday. Any volunteers??? If not, we will talk Megan and PIC into doing the tasting. We are planning to do the hugely popular “Tarot Card Reading/Wine Tasting” event like we did last year. John from Trio Wines will pour the wines and his sister will do a brief tarot card reading for you. The tentative date is for Friday February 12th, but we will confirm and have more details on the website ( While we’re on tastings, I kind of screwed up the date on the Super Brew V Beer Tasting in last week’s newsletter. It is Saturday January 30th from 2:30 to 5 PM.

Did anybody see the end of that Celtics game last night? a game!! Let’s hope the Pats can take care of business at home this week without Wes. The B’s can get on a roll after that thrilling Winter Classic comeback. And I don’t know about you, but I’m less than thrilled with the Sox off season moves…OK sports references out of the way...have a great week.
