Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome to Cork's Super Brew IV Newsletter

This Saturday, January 24th from 2:30 to 5 PM, will be our biggest beer tasting we do all year! The list is complete and we have 16 tables and over 80 beers for you to sample. There is a list of the breweries being featured on the website ( and we will post a complete starting lineup by the end of the week so you can strategize and make your game plan.

We will be running this event like we do our big wine tastings. You will be handed a sheet listing all the beers on it, and it will be numbered at the top. That is your # for the entire tasting. When you find a beer you like and wish to purchase just let the rep know and they will sticker the beer with your # on it. We will have runners grab the items and start a box for you at the front of the store. At the end of the tasting just tell the cashier up front what your # is and we will have your beers all ready for you. This is a lot easier than carrying a 6-pk around for the whole tasting, or trying to find the beer at the end of the day.

While we’re on it, how about a couple more tips and suggestions to make the tasting easier and more fun.

* Feel free to bring your favorite beer glass…but no…we will not fill your pint glass…you will get a normal 1 oz sample

* We will have lil tiny tasting cups for you to use…but don’t ditch the cup after every beer…that’s impractical and downright wasteful...there is no harm in going from 1 beer to the next in the same cup…just dump out the excess in the dump bucket or better yet your belly and move on to the next delicious brew.

* The good news is we will have our famous tasting pizza… and unlike the wine tastings you don’t run the risk of being trampled by Tommy Bolini as the pizza arrives…as for the rest of you pizza mongers (you know who you are)…relax…leave enough for everybody or better yet order Domino’s or Papa Gino’s and have them deliver a whole pie for you.

* I have on reliable sources that a Pro-Bowl bound member of the New England Patriots will be here at Cork’s tasting!! be sure to bring any Pats gear you have for him to sign.

* If you haven’t done so yet, introduce yourself to Josh (our new beer dude) as he’s done most of the work on this event, bringing in close to 50 new beers including a bunch of 64 OZ growlers.

So have fun...drink responsibly…find some new favorite beers…and load up for the big (yawn) game…I think I’m gonna need more than beer to get through this Super Bowl.

OK…let’s talk about wine tastings for a bit. We won’t have 1 this Friday or next but we have a special tasting lined up for February 6th. Our friend John from Trio wines will be here to sample you on some of his new wines from 4 to 7 PM…what’s so special about that you may ask? Well John’s sister Regina is a tarot card reader and will be here from 5 to 7 PM giving free mini tarot card readings. She can see what 2009 and the Obama regime have in store for you. This should be different and a lot of fun. She will do the readings on a 1st come 1st served basis so be sure to get here early. We’ll have a list of the wines John will pour and more info on the website by next week.

We hope to see you all here for the Super Brew IV tasting and have a great week.


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