Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Guinness and Gary Vee

Welcome to Cork’s weekly newsletter. How about those Celtics off to a blistering 3-1 pre-season start! I’m not sure how the Red Sox, Patriots, and Bruins are doing…I think they were all off last week! Anyway…there’s lots of stuff going on here at Cork’s as you may need a drink to wash away the last week's sporting news. Let’s start with a Guinness beer tasting on Thursday…and a let’s find a few new wines to taste, wine tasting on Friday…and let’s not forget our biggest wine tasting event of the year, is only a few weeks away. Thursday October 29th from 5 to 7:30 is our 5th Annual Grand fall Wine Tasting. We are just now getting the lineup together, but it should be close to 90 wines and 15 tables!! Be sure to check the website ( for details and updates.

Tomorrow night (Thursday) at the special time of 5:30 to 7:30 PM we will be tasting the yummy brews from Guinness. We will have the Guinness Draft, Stout, 250 Anniversary Stout, Harp, and Smithwick’s for you to sample. They will have tons of Guinness pint glasses to give away, and don’t forget to take your 10 % discount on any Guinness product the night of the tasting as well.

Hmmm…what to pick for Friday night's wine tasting. I will try not to duplicate things that we will be doing at our big fall show…but I haven’t got the lineup fully set yet…screw it…let me just wander the aisles and see what jumps at me. OK…nothing jumped off the shelf… but I promise you I’ll find 3 or 4 gems to pour Friday night between 4 and 7 PM.

What did jump out at me was an appearance by 1 of my favorite wine guys/critics Gary “Vee” Vaynerchuck on the Today Show. He has a great approach to wine, and I strongly recommend his wine library TV segments and any of his books. Check this segment out to see what a crazy dude he is……I met him at the wine expo in Boston and have been a big fan of his ever since.

I hope you all have a great weekend and we will see you soon.

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