Thursday, February 2, 2012

Stock up for the SuperBowl at Cork's!!

Welcome to Cork’s Super Bowl newsletter. Thanks to everybody who turned out for our Superbrew VII Beer tasting last Saturday. I think it was the most people we’ve had at a tasting since the last time the Pats and Giants squared off in 2008. Marc did a great job having some new and interesting beers at the big event. I hope everybody found something new that they liked. If not, we have tons more beers for all your Super Bowl parties. Please feel free to comment…good or bad…so we can make the next event even better. I’m actually starting to get a bit of a complex on the big tastings. Marc’s last couple of beer tastings have kicked my ass as far as turnout goes compared to the last few wine tastings. So I’m counting on all you “wine geeks” to help me out when our 8th (Wow, 8 years!) Annual Grand Spring Wine Tasting rolls around.

Well Marc is going to take a well-deserved week off from beer tastings for this week. But I’ve pretty much had all of January off from wine tastings, so let’s get em rolling this Friday night from 4 to 7 PM. Let’s start the party with Gruet Brut Sparkling Wine from of all places, New Mexico. You’ll be amazed at this true Methode Champenoise Sparkler at a third the price of Champagne. Next we go to Italy for Ferentano Bianco Lazio. All I remember was this was an outstanding (but pricey $22) Italian white when I brought it in before Christmas. But we have yet to sell a bottle so let’s taste it and let me know what you think. Next is Vina Borgia Garnacha from Spain. A great value wine (and Sangria base) for 7 bucks. Bianchi Pinot Noir from the Edna Valley will be next and is just plain yummie. I will finish the tasting with a New York VS. Boston competition. Representing NY we have Pindar Pythagoras Red Blend from the North Fork of Long Island. The closest I could find for Boston is After Dinner Peach Wine from Nashoba Valley Winery in Bolton, MA. As much as I like my friends from Nashoba Valley, I’d have to say NY is a heavy favorite in that matchup.

We had a little issue with our website last week. Apparently our server for the site had a virus that it was trying to spread. We noticed it here as well as a customer who brought it to my attention. Most good anti-virus software programs will catch it and hopefully, this was not an issue for anybody. Everything is cleaned up and back up and running. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Don’t forget you can get most of the info you need to know about Cork’s at our blog or just friend us on Facebook

As far as the game itself, I think it will be fairly close with the Pats pulling it out late 27-20. So be sure to stop by for a Super Bowl Wine Tasting Friday night, and be sure to hit us up for all your “Big Game” parties this weekend.



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