Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Beer Wars

Welcome to Cork’s weekly newsletter. I hope everybody had a great Easter. Thanks to all of you who stopped by and stocked up for the holiday here at Cork’s…we appreciate your patronage. We have a ton of tastings lined up on both the beer and wine side. You must check out the lineup at to see all the events we have booked right into the summer months.

Our friend Bud from Atlantic Imports will be here Thursday to sample you on the outstanding microbrews from Dogfish Head. They are 1 of the leaders in the American microbrew revolution, and will be featured in the Beers Wars movie showing nationwide (and at Patriot Place) at 8 PM on Thursday. This movie documents the history of American microbrews, and will be shown in 450 theaters across the USA for 1 night only. It will be followed by a live simulcast discussion featuring Jim Koch from Sam Adams…Greg Koch from Stone Brewing…Todd Alstrom the founder of BeerAdvocate…and the owners of Dogfish Head. Before the movie from 4:30 to 7:30 Bud will be sampling this outstanding lineup from Dogfish Head. 60 minute IPA…90 minute IPA…Indian Brown Ale…Raison D’Etre…Palo Santo Marron…Midas Touch…and Aprihop. This will be 1 of the best tastings of the year, and with 10% off any Dogfish Head beers that night, 1 you should not miss. Josh and I will be heading over to Patriot Place for the big event and welcome you to join us. In fact Josh said he’d buy any of our regular customers a beer after the show!!

Erin from J. Polep will be here for this week's wine tasting which will be on Saturday this week from 2 to 5 PM. She will be featuring wines to help celebrate Earthday, which is next week on April 22nd. She will start with Peter Brum Riesling from Germany. Next will be 3 brand new organic wines from Earth 2.0. These delicious Spanish wines feature a Tempranillo, a Tempranillo/Cabernet blend, and a Reserve Tempranillo/Merlot. She will finish the tasting with a value Italian wine called Brumante Montepulciano D’Abruzzo that is just $7.99 or 2 for $14. With the purchase of any 4 of these wines, you will receive a cool 4 bottle earth friendly wine bag for free!!!

Well as I write this Tim Wakefield has a no-no going into the 8th and the Sox are up 8-0. Let’s hope this will be the kick they need to change the early season funk they have been in. While we are on the sports theme, with the Bruins starting their Stanley Cup run Saturday at the Garden at 8 PM, we will get the playoffs rolling with a Molson Beer Tasting.from 5 to 7 PM. We have a hockey goal on our front display and an authentic Bruins game jersey signed by the entire lineup of the 2009 team. Unfortunately we will only be giving you a Molson pint glass with the purchase of a 12-pk or any (2) six-pks of Molson. But hey you also get 10 % of on the beer and what better way to get ready for the B’s and Canadians…Eh?


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