Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome to Cork's Earth Day Newsletter

To help celebrate Earthday I think I’ll recycle the old mystery discount this week but take the mystery out of it. Just mention you saw the newsletter…wear an outfit made entirely out of hemp...or just wish the cashier a happy Earthday and receive 10% off any organic wine or beer (including the brand new Southern Tier 422) we have in the store. And if you buy 6-wines (they don’t have to be organic) and ask the cashier, we’ll give you a 6 bottle, earth friendly, green cloth bag for free!! We also have a very limited supply of the really cool black, 4 bottle Earth 2.0 bags left over from Erin’s tasting on Saturday. If you buy at least 2 of the delicious Earth 2.0 wines you can score 1 of them as well.

Our buddy Jacob Pacific (sounds like a made up pornstar name to me) from Sam Adams will be here on Thursday from 4:30 to 7:30 to taste the new Imperial Series beers from Sam. He will have the Imperial White, Imperial Stout, and the Double Bock all in 4 pks for you to sample. I think he said he would do the fairly new Blackberry Witbier also. He promises us he will hang our gigantic Sam Adams montage in the front vestibule area after the tasting too!! One other beer note, we have a limited supply of the Guinness 250 Anniversary Stout. Limit (2) 6-pks per customer, while they last.

We don’t have a wine tasting scheduled this Friday (where are all those people who said they wanted to do a “Customer Wine Tasting” ?!?). I will be off next week on my sorta annual trip to Ft. Myers Beach and off to see the Sox in Tampa Bay, so there won’t be a wine tasting next week either. But we have 7 of the next 8 weeks already booked, so be sure to check the website out ( for the lineup.

There won’t be a newsletter next week ( but have no fear, I’ll probably…dig…blurb...burp…or throw updates on the website) so I want to mention that Saranac will be here next Thursday, April 30th from 4:30 to 7:30 for a beer tasting. I’m not sure what the lineup is going to be yet, but we haven’t done them in a long time and they always have good stuff. Let’s hope the Sox keep up their winning ways…The B’s polish off the Canadiens...and the Celts can overtake the upstart Bulls, and keep their playoff run going. Looks like the warm weather will finally be making an appearance…enjoy it, and I’ll catch you all in a couple weeks.


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