Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to Cork's weekly newsletter

Not a whole heck of a lot going on here at Cork’s as we wrap up the summer months. One bit of news for those that were interested - we are going to push the Buzzard’s Bay Brewery road trip back a week to next Thursday, August 27th. Megan is out of town and we had some coverage issues at the store so we will re-schedule it for next week. Speaking of coverage and scheduling, we are looking for 1 or 2 cashiers going into the fall/holiday season. If anybody is interested please stop by and fill out an application.

We will take another week off from the wine tastings this week as well, as I go see the Sox in their quest to overtake the evil empire on Friday night. I’ll find some new wines to sample next week myself, and start lining up vendors going forward and leading up to our big fall tasting. Don’t forget our 5th Annual Kick-Off Beer tasting is Saturday, September 12th from 2:30 to 5 PM. Josh is working hard putting together a great lineup, and we will be posting details and updates on the website at

I’ve been waiting like 10 months to say it…and you will be sick of me saying it soon enough I’m sure…BUT THERE IS ONLY 1 OKTOBER !!!...And both Sam Adams Oktoberfest and Shipyard Pumpkin Ale are in!!!…ahhhhhh…. all is good in the beer world. We also have a bunch of other Autumn beers in house, and a ton more to come in the next few weeks. We will be making our usual huge fall beer display in the front of the store so come check it out. We’ve also been asked back to the local Tri-Town Chamber of Commerce Oktoberfest again this year. It will be on October 6th and we will be pouring a bunch of Oktoberfest/Pumpkin beers. There are a bunch of restaurants there and all the money goes to the local food pantries. This was a blast last year and a real fun night out. I hope you all have a great weekend and we will see you soon.


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