Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend Favorites

Welcome to Cork’s weekly newsletter!

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful May weather we are having! ....Just kidding, all this rain is a bummer. We may not be enjoying it, but all the trees and plants around town are getting a big drink, and should be looking beautiful sometime soon I hope. In celebration of Mother’s Day, we made a section in the very front of the store with some lovely Mother’s Day favorites. We polled all the mothers that work here (mine included) and got a nice selection of wines they would love to drink on their special day, and pair well with brunch. They are mostly sparkling wines and champagnes, with a few Moscato thrown in the bunch, and cover every price range.

This weekend we have a different type of wine tasting happening. During our regular tasting hours, either Megan or I will have a few bottles open. Starting off with a lovely Mimosa pre-mixed. This is a nice and easy drinking sparkling wine to bring to a Mother’s Day brunch and at a great price of $11.99. Next we have a new brand in the store called J.G. Bazan. It is a Malbec from Mendoza Argentina and retails usually for $14.99, but will be $12.99 Friday night only. I will probably open up one more surprise wine to round out the night, suggestions are welcome!

Kicking off at 6pm, there is a private wine tasting/fundraiser. We have a few Boston Marathon runners who ran for the Mass General in support of “’Fighting Kids’ Cancer …One Step At A Time.”  They have booked the back area and have sold tickets for around $25 dollars. Feel free to stop in to this double tasting to meet the runners and try some wines, donations are appreciated.

We have not one, but two guest appearances this week as well. First we have Tom, who will be the official wine expert at the second tasting. And doing a surprise appearance as Tom's assistant this weekend only, is everyone’s favorite employee Erin, who I believe always makes the email when the Bitch wine is in…coincidence? Anyways, those two will be pouring delicious wines on Friday. And as usual we give 10% off of wines being tasted that night.

So come in out of the rain and get your weekend supplies here at Cork’s!!


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